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Supply granite worktops

Bookmark and Share Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Supply of Granite Kitchen Worktops

Macchia-vecchia rossa

Macchia-vecchia rossa

Granite worktops create a fashionable finish in any kitchen. Discovering the granite kitchen worktop that you desire stocked and in supply can be one of the most enjoyable of experiences. The right granite kitchen worktop will be durable and stylish and will also add value to your property. The right supplier of granite kitchen worktops will have in supply a stock of cut and polished slabs or granite available for viewing before you purchase. Granite worktops meet the highest quality standards and add a graceful finish to any home’s kitchen. Supplies usually come in a large assortment of colours to go well with any design and can put you on your way to really add a touch of sparkle and elegance to your family’s kitchen.

Crate a kitchen that is the envy and desire of all your friends and family members and show off your new granite worktop. You will soon become aware of the quality that granite comes with. With a very smooth, luxurious and durable finish, granite is the ideal surface for the work space in your kitchen. Add a stroke of class while increasing the value of your property and enjoying the natural stone splendour of granite every day.

Generally, supplies of granite can be found in a large array of colours and are selected with premium grade which adds a smart finish and quality to every kitchen worktop. If you are renovating or redesigning you kitchen, once you have placed all units and the equipment is installed, you ought to consider the best worktop for your kitchen. A number of factors need to be taken into consideration when choosing the right granite for you worktop. For instance, a survey of your kitchen plan will be required to take down the appropriate measurements. Furthermore, you may want to consider how the light shines in your kitchen and how that may affect the look, style and colour of your premium grade worktops. This stage in the process is when you can you can show off your flair by choosing a colour and the accessories for your granite kitchen worktops.

block of natural stone

block of natural stone

Granite is a strong material and is ideal for use as a kitchen worktop. Granite is admired for the practical properties it has as well as a marvellous look. Granite is now affordable by all individuals; today granite not only appeals to every taste, but is high in supply and more affordable than ever making it a possibility for every kitchen. The sheer delight of the natural stone feel and exquisiteness are the main reasons to select a granite worktop. Flawlessly installed and refined, your kitchen worktop will be transformed into a durable and above all an enjoyable top to work on.

Choose from our range of extensive Granite types available in a variety of colours and shades that will suit any kitchen style. Suppliers source the finest Granite from around the world to offer an exclusive range of style and quality. Granite kitchen worktops are usually cut from whole natural stones giving the granite a truly exclusive look. Granite is very durability and is like no other kind of worktop, scratch resistant and renowned for its robustness, up until recently granite had carried a high price. Well, today it still holds the same notability and regard, but at much lower prices and affordability.

star galaxy granite supplier

star galaxy granite supplier

Whether you are creating a new Kitchen or merely renovating your existing kitchen, why not create your ideal kitchen with a supply of granite as your worktop for much lower cost than you might believe. If you are looking for inspiration when in the kitchen, why not consider the encouragement you will gain while working on a beautiful and durable worktop like that which can only be created by granite.

Granite quartz worktops

Bookmark and Share Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Granite and Quartz Worktops, the differences & similarities
Granite is a natural stone, it is a hard surface measuring 6 on the MOH’s hardness scale however, it being an igneous rock, i.e. rock formed after the cooling down of molten rock, it consists of numerous minerals including , feldspar, augite, hornblende, etc. Some are hard, others not particularly. It is held together by the interlocking of the crystal structure of the various minerals. The material won’t burn/scorch; it is crystalline in structure, so it always has tiny pits or spaces between the various mineral crystals. It also contains natural fissures that may appear to be cracks, but they are not structural defects and will not impair the function or durability of the material. They occur naturally and are considered to be part of the beauty of stone, while the material is ordinarily considered to be stain-resistant, some pigments or oils can be absorbed into the surface. This could cause discoloration and sealer does not prevent this discoloration, so of course it is more vulnerable to staining, even after it has it’s required sealing, it is less resistant to growth of bacteria, is not available in a uniform color surface, but the add more value to wherever they are placed, the material is more expensive per square feet then other leading worktop materials.

luxury black granite worktop

luxury black granite worktop

Quartz worktops(Engineered Stone Surfaces) is made up of 93% quartz and 7% resin binders and pigments, it will often be made of these more pure crystals, yet they can also be made by combining crystals with resins and other combining agents to create a super-hard surface that will resist scratches that can mar other worktop materials. Additionally, this manufacturing process further strengthens the resistance to water damage, making this style of this worktop one of the most non-porous surfaces available, as if this wasn’t colourful enough in its natural state, the manufactured worktop can be imbued with even more varieties of hues, Pigments can be added during the manufacturing process along with the bonding agents – the result is a selection of color shades that is unequaled in any other natural stone construction material. The material does not stain so easily, more resistant to growth of bacteria, are available in a uniform color surface, engineered worktops do not need sealing and are less expensive then other leading worktop materials.

Some similarities with both worktops you will not get a completely uniform look to the worktop, they are both natural materials and many people buy them for their natural appearance and this means variation, the seams are always visible and both of the materials are very durable but not indestructible and they both will last a lifetime with the proper maintenance, that about does it for the similarities of these two worktops.

quartz worktop

quartz worktop

In most individuals opinions, Quartz is the better worktop to go with, it has been used in Europe for more than 40 years, but it is just now starting to move across the Atlantic and gaining market share in America, it is an abundant mineral that’s much harder, on a hardness scale of 1 to 10, with diamonds a 10, quartz is at 7 and granite is 4, less expensive than granite, the list can go on and on to prove which material proves the opinions of individuals to show which is the superior material.